So many people thought we were mad to go to Sudan and I'll admit we were a little nervous about it as we didn't know what to expect. The Gummi Bears sat in Addis all those weeks ago watching the news with anticipation about the Sudanese elections. Being so untouched by tourism, Sudan was one of the highlights of the entire trip and with such welcoming locals, stunning sunsets, scenery and desert camping like this who could blame us.
Desert camping just outside of Wadi Halfa >>>
Jill and I making friends on the ferry >>>
A very kind police officer helping us about town. He was very excited to see tourists in Sudan and told us to send our friends to visit his beautiful country >>>
Naturally there was some serious scouting of the area before pitching our tents in the desert for fear of scorpions and snakes. Apart from tracks all we found was a lone spider that chased Campbell around the desert for a bit, got bored and retreated into its hole.
We were also pleasantly surprised by the Wadi Halfa ferry that by all accounts is meant to be awful. With a ceiling of stars and the splashing of water on the side of the boat as we crept our way to Egypt the only discomfort was the hard surface to sleep on. By this point, however, you get used to functioning on only a few hours rest a night, so no biggie.
Campbell catching a few extra hours of zzzz >>>
Getting settled on the ferry >>>
OH MY WORD!!!!! I'll never complain about the ant size spiders again. That things looks like something out of Scorpion King. I like the 20 thousand bottles of water you guys have with you. Smart smart smart!