Saturday, 20 February 2010

Adrenalin Rush (Day 2)

With great apprehension Campbell and I made our way to the Bakota Gorge. The gorge is 96m at its deepest point. We abseiled 54m and we had a 53m freefall during our gorge swing.

First up was the abseil where we could choose to do a regular abseil or rap jump...we both took one look at the drop and decided to abseil. The scariest part was trusting the security line and the guide on that first lean into the abyss, but otherwise you can take things as fast or as slow as you like. I got the hang of bouncing off the wall quite quickly, but then again I have more padding than Campbell ;)

Conehead, hee hee >>>

The flying fox was our next clifftop thrill and by far my favourite experience. You know those dreams you have of being able to fly, well this is an awesome substitute. The best is that you are in control. You run off the edge whenever you're ready and there is no downward plummet, you just fly.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPERMAN!!
The last activity was by far the scariest thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. That sinking feeling you get in your stomach when you are flying and the plane hits an air pocket. Times that by 100, remove the seat and add a whole bunch of rushing nothingness all around you and you'll still not come close to the pure panic of free falling for 53m before the rope catches.
Campbell thought he bellowed like Tarzan all the way down. However...even the guides thought it was a woman jumping. I am proud of him, he faced one of his biggest fears and lived to tell the tale, even if he did sound like a wailing woman all the way down.

I sounded like a hyperventilating baboon, so unladylike.

With aching and bruised bodies but awesome memories we are sad to leave Fawlty Towers tomorrow for Lusaka and then Chipata where we'll spend one night each before heading into our fourth country of the trip, Malawi. No more easy camping, it's back to dust and rough sleeping, but we'll have many more amazing adventures.


  1. Amazing couple, amazing trip AMAZING BLOG. I love it. This has become my bedtime BEST-SELLER!! Jax and I laugh and cry reading and re reading the blog. Thanks Ally and Cam. MUM XXX

  2. Nothing wrong with making tarzan noises!!! Very manly as far as I am concerned. Did it sound like the ones he made when you lived with me and Campbell slept over..... kidding. Great pics!!! Loving it. Louis

  3. Peops you know how to make us JEALEOUS... It looks awesome, hope Thomo didn't have to change underware after... Smelly keep him in line, looks like you doing a lot of the driving, at least the dangerous stretches ;) Enjoy and keep Safe...


  4. I so would shit myself and never been able to go over edge kat
