We are still waiting to hear back from the mechanic but are hoping that the welding goes smoothly. The first attempt revealed worse rust than we had anticipated.
Here are some images the previous owner took of the vehicle. We will hopefully update with some more of our own.

Here are a few points as to why we chose this Land Rover.
- BFG tyres, a must for any African adventure.
- Over landing accessories - Brownchurch roof rack, under body protection, inverter, work lights, cb radio
- Relatively low mileage for a Landy at 111k miles
- secure rear body. The vehicle is '91 county but the rear windows have been removed and plated over. Dog guards, rear window grilles and an additional lock on the rear door make the vehicle relatively secure for a Land Rover.
- Simplicity of the 200 tdi engine
There is a constant Land Rover/Land Cruiser debate. This is why we went for the Land Rover..
- UK based preparation. Land Rovers are more common in the UK. There is a vehicle to suit every budget and a club/mechanic/website all to hand any where in the UK. Not to say this isn't so for the Land Cruiser but it helped persuade me to buy British.
- Overland prep. It is easier to buy a Land Rover with some overland prep than it is to find a Toyota that has received the same prep.
- Owning a Land Rover!